• 27 July, 2024
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security

Author is a well known analyst of strategic affairs and defence.  She has expertise in content creation on many subjects. She can be followed at @LevinaNeythiri on Twitter.

Articles Lists

No Room for Error—Wargaming to Thwart China’s Aggression

"To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace"                                                                                                                                                  

The Unreliable Russia-China Bond

The Chinese premier Xi Jinping’s meeting with the Russian President Putin few days ago, created a pandemonium across the globe. They have both been pillars of support for each other as they together faced the wrath of America and its NATO allies in last 2 years. Presently, the bonding between the

Landlocking India—Warning Bells In Andaman And Kerala

India is blessed to have a coastline that juts into the world shipping routes. Since ancient times India capitalised on its thousands of kilometers long coastline but the recent incidents in Vizhinjam in Kerala and in Andaman & Nicobar Islands is a reminder that we must protect our shores and po

Insurgents of Northeast – Between Devil and Deep Sea

India’s northeast is undergoing a colossal change!  The region is witnessing massive infrastructure development to improve connectivity as it is hard to reach swathes of forests. This is being done not just to facilitate the blossoming tourism of the region but also for security reasons. The deve

Chinese Port In Myanmar – Threat To India

China has found the shortest possible entry into Indian Ocean to circumvent the traps laid by QUAD. India’s eastern belligerent neighbour China has expedited its work in the Kyaukpyu dual purpose port. This port may soon bear the footprint of Chinese Navy which could lead to a redrawing of the sec

An Internal Security Challenge Brewing in the Northeast

A class 12 student from Manipur needed money for an outing with his friends, so he decided to approach a woman who had offered him Rs 1000 per “soap case” if he smuggled it successfully from Myanmar. With his Myanmarese acquaintance he managed to smuggle about 50 such cases of drugs in a single

Teenage Terrorists of PLA in Manipur and the China Angle

Teenagers in Manipur are on the edge of a precipice ready to be pushed into a very frightening abyss. The proscribed terrorist groups like PLA are now following a strategy very similar to the one executed by ISI backed terrorist groups in Kashmir. Reports suggest that members of the terrorist gro

Human Rights – Coercive Way To Interfere In Internal Matters; Uyghurs, India & China

On 06 October 2022, India abstained from voting against China's treatment of Uyghur at the UN Human Rights Council. This created a pandemonium in India against the Indian Government’s decision. The reality is - West under the guise of Human Rights, has been surreptitiously meddling in the internal

Eurasia Flare Up – Russian Distraction Or a Lurking World War ?

History has taught us that the nation which cannot manage its resources is bound to fail. The number of countries which are presently at logger heads with each other across the world include Armenia-Azerbaijan, Tajikistan- Kyrgyzstan, Greece-Turkey, Russia-Ukraine, China-Taiwan and the age-old enemi

Tightening the Noose Around Chinese Ships: India’s Coastal Surveillance System & SAGAR Policy

Bangladesh’s PM Sheikh Hasina was in India recently. The visit helped fructify many projects, especially one that India had been executing since 2019-- Coastal Surveillance System (CSS). India nudged Bangladesh to expedite implementation of a 3-year-old agreement that allows India to set up a netw

Checkmating Chinese BRI Through INSTC

In December 2021, Russian President Putin visited in India among a lot of din, which was followed by a largely unnoticed visit of Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Wei Fenghe to Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, and Oman in April this year. The two visits were connected and had

I2U2 Partnership – From Hormuz, Bab Al Mandab, Suez & IOR Perspective

Western QUAD finally got a name—I2U2, which stands for Israel, India, UAE and USA. The genesis of this group took place in middle east to harness the maritime traffic of the Strait of Hormuz, Bab Al Mandab and Suez Canal region. Out of the 8 maritime choke points in the world, these three lie clos

Is Pakistan Getting Ready for Israel?

A week ago, a Pakistani- American delegation visited Israel, business was not the objective, but interfaith harmony. Since last few years Pakistan and Israel have been trying to thaw their relations. How successful will this be and what will be the implications of it for India? Let’s glean through

China’s Latest Headache – Baloch Black Widow Strategy

In 2015, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi had said, “If the Belt and Road Initiative [BRI] is like a symphony involving and benefiting every country, then construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is the sweet melody of the symphony’s first movement”. After recent att

Bucha Massacre and Two Sides Of Every Carnage in History

“History is Written by Victors!”—Winston Churchill United Nations has finally suspended Russia from United Nation’s Human Rights Council for allegedly carrying out human right violations in Bucha, Ukraine. Albeit like every carnage carried out in past, there are two versions of the Bucha

War of Mercenaries

On 10th of March, Britain’s Ministry of Defence released an intelligence update, which said—Russia is deploying Private Military Companies (PMCs) in Ukraine.  Interestingly just a week before this announcement Russia’s Defence ministry spokesperson had made a similar statement which said-- US

A Make-or-Break Month For Pakistan

As the world looks at a new world order replacing the old one, many countries are at the brink of a turmoil; one among them is Ukraine in Europe, and the other is Pakistan in Asia. Just as in case of Ukraine, with every passing hour circumstances are transmogrifying themselves unpredictably in Pakis

Baloch Rebels Strike Pakistani Army – An Inghimasi Style Attack !

Last evening, Baloch rebels attacked two military camps in Pakistan’s Balochistan province, one attack took place in Panjgur and the other in Noshki Frontier Corps camp. ISPR (Inter-Services Public Relations) had initially confirmed the death of only one soldier and four Baloch rebels, but it hid

Destabilizing a Democracy Through Protests

D for democracy, demonstration, and destruction - these 3 words have kept India on tenterhooks since last 3 years. Farmer’s protests saw the rise of ISI backed Khalistani terror groups, Almaty protests in Kazakhstan apparently has involvement of foreign agencies like MI6, Black lives matter in

Is it Mayday for US – India Relationship ?

The behemoths, US and Russia, are at loggerheads again in Ukraine, and India is carefully treading the path of friendship with both its allies. Ostensibly, since 2016 India was designated “Major Defence Partner” of the United States, and later in 2018 India got the Strategic Trade Authorization