• 15 January, 2025
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security

Write for Us

Please read authors guidelines at the time of sending an article.

The editorial board of Chanakya Forum encourages contributors to submit articles which have not been previously published.

We look forward to original and well researched articles on Chanakya Forum and it’s people, with a broad disciplinary approach on areas such as international relations, political science, history, economics, law, communications, geography, culture and environmental studies, or any additional disciplines in regards to the region.

The Editorial team of Chanakya Forum reserves the right to accept or reject any contribution, without assigning any reason. Guidelines/regulations for contributors to Chanakya Forum. We welcome articles ranging between 1000-2000 words and book reviews of 500-750 words. Longer pieces will be considered on a case by case basis.

An indicative headline of 6-8 words; this is subject to editorial approval and can be changed.Please ensure, the spelling style used in the submitted article – American or British is consistent throughout the write-up.

Please maintain a line gap between paras for easier editing.Acronyms can be used, after these have been expanded on prior in the article.The name of the contributor, with a short bio containing the title/Designation and Institution should be mentioned and a picture must be submitted along with the article.

All submissions should be sent via email as attached word documents to (editor@chanakyaforum.com) The subject line in the email to us, should read ‘Article for Chanakya Forum’ The copyright of the article rests with the Chanakya Forum website. Contributors will be sent an acknowledgement indicating the receipt of their article. If selected for publication, the contributors will be sent the link to their article.
