• 17 June, 2024
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security

defence pact

Slovakia backs U.S. defence pact despite opposition during Ukraine crisis

PRAGUE (Reuters) -Lawmakers in Slovakia narrowly approved a defence treaty with the United States on Wednesday, making it the last NATO member on the alliance's eastern frontier to enact such…

Philippines defence chief says was urged by China to drop review of U.S. pact

By Karen Lema MANILA (Reuters) - China has opposed a Philippines-led push for a review of its 70-year-old defence treaty with the United States, Manila's defence minister said on Thursday,…

White House says call with French President Macron was ‘friendly’

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden's call with French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday lasted 30 minutes and was friendly, White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters. Last…

Britain’s relationship with France is rock-solid, says PM Johnson

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's relationship with France is rock solid, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday, when asked about a new defence pact with Australia and the United States…