• 17 June, 2024
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security

David Frost

UK’s Frost says post-Brexit N.Ireland deal possible by Christmas

DUBLIN (Reuters) -British Brexit minister David Frost said on Wednesday that his government's preference is to strike a deal to improve post-Brexit trade arrangements for Northern Ireland and that the…

EU’s Sefcovic warns UK not to embark on ‘confrontation’ – Telegraph

(Reuters) - European Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic said the United Kingdom must not "embark on a path of confrontation" amid tension over post-Brexit fishing rights and goods passing through…

UK sets out plans to replace and repeal regulations copied from EU

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain is to begin replacing or scrapping European Union regulations that were copied into British law before the country's exit from the bloc, Brexit minister David Frost…