• 01 September, 2024
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security

Ladakh Standoff

The Strategic Ladakh Range

Something extraordinary happened south of Pangong Tso (lake) in the night of August 29, 2020; the ‘Special Frontier Force’ (SFF), also known as Establishment 22 or Vikas Regiment occupied the…

By Claude Arpi

Double Standards with Chinese Characteristics

June 15 is a special day in the Middle Kingdom; it is the birthday of the Secretary General of the Communist Party of China. In 2020, probably wanting to please…

By Claude Arpi

The Chinese in New Delhi: Indicators of an Altering World Order

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited New Delhi on 24 March 2022, against the run of geopolitical play, adopting a visit format generally frowned upon by India. He decided to…

By Lt Gen Syed Ata Hasnain (Retd)

India’s Diplomatic Boycott of the Winter Games – A Slap on China’s Wrist

China’s decision to make Army Colonel Qi Fabao who fought with Indian forces in the Galwan Valley in Ladakh in June 2020 an Olympic torch bearer at the Winter Games…

By Kanwal Sibal

LAC – Condescending China Faces a Resolute India

The 13th round of talks at Moldo (Chinese side), on 10 October 21 between Lt Gen PGK Menon, Corps Commander 14 Corps and his counterpart the South Xinjiang Military District…

By Lt Gen Vinod Bhatia (Retd)

China Appoints New Commander Western Theatre Command – What India Should Read Into the Move

From the days of Arjuna or Alexander, every side has spent time and effort to know about opposing commander/s and understanding the whys and wherefores of what drives them, what…

By Brigadier Sanal Kumar (Retd)

Operations in Kailash Range – An Year On: India’s Strategic Resolve Demonstrated

Operations in Kailash Range - An Year On: India’s Strategic Resolve Demonstrated Lieutenant General  Vinod Bhatia (Retd) Achieving strategic, operational and tactical surprise, India occupied the operationally important heights of…

Explaining Modi’s Foreign Policy

Explaining Modi's Foreign Policy The external policies of the Modi government are being liberally criticised by many, including those who have handled our foreign and security policies under the previous…

K21-105: Light Tank Solution from Hanwha

Light tanks have recently come to limelight again, thanks to the Indian Army’s quest for one, to boost its mountain warfare capability. While the army preferred medium or heavy tanks…

China deploys Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS) as deterrent in Himalayas, India stresses on peace at border essential for future ties

Media reports emanating from China suggest that the People’s Liberation Army has deployed an advanced long-range rocket launcher to the Himalayas, in a move aimed at reinforcing China’s border defence and…

Is China putting preconditions to Disengagement in Ladakh? India keeps a close watch on movements across LAC

The eleventh round of Corps Commander level meeting took place at Chushul on April 09, without any decisive outcomes. Chanakyaforum.com had reported that based on the statement released by MoD,…

Eleventh round of India-China Corps Commanders meet concluded in Chushul, no concrete outcomes yet

The 11th round India-China Corps Commander Level Meeting was held at Chushul-Moldo border meeting point on 09 April 2021. The talks commenced at 10.30 AM and lasted for 13 hours…