• 27 July, 2024
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security


Revealed: China Bolstering Its Military Might In South China Sea

The South China Sea is considered to be one of the busiest waterways in the world and is a significant gateway for trade and merchant shipping. The South China Sea…

By Gp Capt Arvind Pandey (Retd)

Landlocking India—Warning Bells In Andaman And Kerala

India is blessed to have a coastline that juts into the world shipping routes. Since ancient times India capitalised on its thousands of kilometers long coastline but the recent incidents…

By Levina

Russia conducts military drills on isles disputed with Japan -media

(Reuters) - Russia was conducting drills on islands claimed by Tokyo, Japanese media said on Saturday, days after Moscow halted peace talks with Japan because of its sanctions over Russia's…

4 Chinese coast guard ships sail into Japanese waters near Senkaku Islands

Tokyo [Japan], June 26 (ANI): Four Chinese coast guard ships sailed into Japanese territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea on Saturday morning, according to Japan…

China Coast Guard vessels enter Japanese-administered Senkaku Islands in East China Sea

Okinawa [Japan], June 21 (ANI): Two China Coast Guard ships entered Japanese-administered Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea on Sunday morning according to Japan Coast Guard, locall media reported.…

Lakshadweep Administrator visits Kavaratti, reviews development projects

Kavaratti (Lakshadweep) [India], June 17 (ANI): Lakshadweep Administrator Praful Khoda Patel visited Kavaratti on Wednesday and reviewed several development projects. The administrator who is on a week-long visit to the…

Uninhabited Islands of Lakshadweep – A Major Security Threat

India's smallest Union Territory, Lakshadweep, is an archipelago consisting of 36 islands, and is comprised of ten inhabited islands and 17 uninhabited islands, attached islets, four newly formed islets, and five submerged reefs. It…

Security of Lakshadweep is Top Priority

The controversy surrounding the draft Bill ‘Lakshadweep Prevention of Anti-Social Activities Regulation 2021’ uploaded by the Lakshadweep administrator in January this year inviting comments and suggestions from the public, is…

Malaysia to lodge diplomatic protest to Chinese envoy over intrusion of EEZ by 16 PLA planes

Malaysia's Foreign Ministry on Tuesday said it would summon China's Ambassador to explain an 'intrusion' by 16 Chinese military airplanes into its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) after Malaysia's military detected…