• 09 February, 2025
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security


Pakistan, With Head Above The Water : Way The Cookie Crumbles

I am becoming increasingly more confident at answering the inevitable question about Pakistan that is thrown at me in seminars, interviews and interactions on geopolitics. The question revolves around Pakistan’s…

By Lt Gen Syed Ata Hasnain (Retd)

Financial Sanctions – Hastening The US Economic Decline?

With the pivotal role played by the US military-industrial complex in WW II, the US displaced Britain as the dominant global economy and since then the US dollar has been…

By Col Deepak Kumar (Retd.)

A Peace Loving Pakistan Or A Trojan Horse

Two countries of the subcontinent gained independence seventy-five years ago, soon to be mired in bloodbath of partition and struggle to rise from poverty, illiteracy and many issues of social…

By Air Vice Marshal Samir Borade, VSM (Retd)