• 20 September, 2024
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security


Are China- Pakistan Relations Cooling Off?

View of the Chinese Embassy in Islamabad ‘All-weather friendship that is higher than mountains, deeper than oceans, stronger than steel and sweeter than honey’ is the rhetoric in China-Pakistan relations…

By Lt Gen (Dr) Rakesh Sharma

Pakistan Under Unending Strain : Part II

 ‘If  the economic situation does not lead to its collapse, its militant groups will ensure prevention of its survival’ Part I of this essay emphasized on getting the background right,…

By Lt Gen Syed Ata Hasnain (Retd)

India’s Three Wars

On January 18, 2023, Chinese President Xi Jinping held a video conversation with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) troops. He inspected the combat readiness of the troops stationed at Kunjirap…

By Cdr Sandeep Dhawan (Retd)

A Peace Loving Pakistan Or A Trojan Horse

Two countries of the subcontinent gained independence seventy-five years ago, soon to be mired in bloodbath of partition and struggle to rise from poverty, illiteracy and many issues of social…

By Air Vice Marshal Samir Borade, VSM (Retd)

Pakistan : The Laadla and His Rebellion

Even as India’s national security gaze is transfixed on China, some interesting developments are afoot along our Western Horizons. Pakistan is reliving its fundamental dilemma - the unresolved question that…

By Lt Gen Raj Shukla

US-Pak F-16 Diplomacy : Concerns Galore

The Biden administration approved the $450 million package for Pakistan’s fighter jets’ related equipment and the F-16 fleet sustainment programme. The Pentagon’s Defence Security Cooperation Agency has confirmed that no…

By Prof (Dr) DK Pandey 

How Kaiser Xi Jinping’s China is Influenced by Sinocentrism, Legalism, and Hierarchy

At the turn of the twentieth century, Kaiser Wilhelm II proclaimed that his country had an urgent need for a naval buildup to counter the British Royal Navy in its…

By Captain DK Sharma (Retd)

The Sri Lankan Crisis – Need to Look Within

A particularly ugly financial crisis reared its fierce visage in front of Sri Lanka with hardly any public notice in the early months of 2022 with such rapidity that, within…

By G S Iyer

Terrorism is Not a Game

As both India and Pakistan celebrate their 75th anniversary of their independence, unfortunately, Pakistan is identified as the progenitor and a safe haven for terrorism and global terrorists stalking and…

By Anil Trigunayat

Sri Lanka: Road From Anarchy Towards Stability

After some intense and somewhat violent nationwide protests against the current dispensation, followed by the fight of and subsequent resignation by President Gotabaya Rajapakse, Sri Lanka finally got a president…

By JK Tripathi

Pakistan in Endless Churn  

During the dying days of the government of Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Imran Khan, he continued to insist on his own popularity. As he struggled to survive against the combined…

By Lt Gen Syed Ata Hasnain (Retd)

Sri Lanka’s Crisis – Not Just About the Economy

Sri Lanka is in the grip of an economic, political and humanitarian crisis. In a remarkable display of anger, thousands of protesters disregarded government curfews, rampant military and police presence…

By PTI and Chanakya Forum