• 26 June, 2024
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security

Russia Ukraine war

U.S. analyzing strikes on Kyiv, says Pentagon

(Reuters) - The United States is analyzing strikes on Kyiv that the Ukrainian authorities blamed on Russian missiles, Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said on Thursday. "We're still trying to analyze…

Russia-Ukraine conflict highlighted need for being self-reliant in military requirements: Rajnath

New Delhi, Apr 28 (PTI) Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said on Thursday the Russia-Ukraine conflict has highlighted that being self-reliant in military hardware is a vital necessity, even as he…

Russian forces disperse pro-Ukraine rally, tighten control in occupied Kherson

By Alessandra Prentice and Natalia Zinets KYIV (Reuters) -Russian forces used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse a pro-Ukraine rally in the occupied city of Kherson on Wednesday, Ukraine's…

Russian attacks on key bridge may affect Ukraine’s grain export plans

By Pavel Polityuk KYIV (Reuters) - Russia launched two missile strikes and damaged a strategic bridge in Ukraine's Odesa region, state railways and local officials said on Wednesday, an event…

Russia reports blasts in south that Ukraine calls payback for invasion

LONDON (Reuters) -Russia reported a series of blasts in the south of the country and a fire at an ammunition depot on Wednesday, the latest in a spate incidents that…

Britain says Ukraine controls majority of its airspace

(Reuters) - Ukraine retains control over the majority of its airspace, Britain's defence ministry said on Wednesday, adding that Russia has failed to effectively destroy the country's air force or…

Russia says it has liberated Kherson region in southern Ukraine -Interfax

(Reuters) - Russia's defence ministry on Tuesday said its forces had liberated the entire Kherson region in the south of Ukraine, Interfax news agency said. It cited a senior official…

Putin hopes talks with Ukraine will yield positive result

(Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that Russia and Ukraine were continuing talks in an online format. At the start of his meeting with United Nations Secretary-General…

Putin ally says Ukraine heading for collapse into several states

LONDON (Reuters) -One of President Vladimir Putin's closest allies said on Tuesday that Ukraine was spiralling towards a collapse into several states because of what he cast as a U.S.…

Nuclear Resurgence for Peace and War

The emergence of Covid-19 and climate change as existential threats to mankind had relegated the nuclear danger to a second level threat till the Russia-Ukraine war broke out. In 1991,…

By TP Sreenivasan

Russia should launch next phase of Ukraine campaign, separatist leader says

(Reuters) -The Russian-backed separatist leader of the Ukrainian breakaway region of Donetsk said on Tuesday that Moscow should launch the next stage of its military campaign in Ukraine after reaching…

Britain says Russia tries to encircle Ukraine positions in east

(Reuters) - Russia is probably attempting to encircle heavily fortified Ukrainian positions in the country's east, the British military said in an update on Tuesday. Reports say the city of…