• 06 October, 2024
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security

China Russia

Ukraine: The March of Folly Continues

Let us start by briefly narrating one or two major developments since my last column “Ukraine: When Will the Madness End?” dated 3rd April 2022-https://chanakyaforum.com/ukraine-when-will-the-madness-end/ The War Crimes Charge Against…

By K P Fabian

Crystal Gazing the Future of Ukraine

The past two months have been unprecedented in world history. We were transformed into the era of the pre Cold War reminiscent of World War II, 1941-45. It seems mankind…

By Maj Gen (Dr) Rajan Kochhar (Retd)

The Cat is Out of the Bag: Biden Confirms US’ Real Objective in Ukraine

The cat is out of the bag, Dear Readers. That is if it were ever fully in the bag. At the very least, its head was never in; its eyes…

By Niraj Srivastava

War in Ukraine and the “Butterfly Effect”

“The Times They Are a-Changin”, wrote the poet. It has never rung so true as during the past two years; since a Chinese virus appeared in Wuhan and spread death…

By Claude Arpi

China-Russia Relations – Redefining World Order

The CPC (Communist Party of China) Politburo went into huddles on several occasions during the disintegration process of the Soviet Union from 1988 till its total dissolution in December 1991,…

By Debnath Shaw

The Ukrainian Conundrum – Who Wants War, At Any Cost?

I watch the unfolding drama, not unlikely to reach a tragic end, with considerable consternation and even more sadness.  By ‘tragic end’ I do not necessarily mean a big war…

By K P Fabian

Should India Be Worried About Russia-China Bonhomie ?

It had been two years since Russian President Putin had met Chinese President Xi Jinping. That drought got over when they met on the sidelines of the opening ceremony of…

By Cdr Sandeep Dhawan (Retd)

Putin May Win the Battle Without Fighting a War

War is generally believed to begin when diplomacy fails. But President Vladimir Putin of Russia has used the threat of war to force diplomacy to resolve intractable issues. His basic…

By TP Sreenivasan

Russia-China Axis: Consolidation of Global Geo-strategic Polarisation

President Putin's recent visit (4th February) to China and its overall outcome has further consolidated the global geo-political and geo-strategic polarisation, the contours of which had emerged some years ago.…

By Achal Malhotra

The Ukraine Standoff and its Larger Global Impact

When Ukraine erupted as a geopolitical issue in 2014 there were competing international events and geopolitical stories which were moving parallelly in those times. As the narrative progressed the Russian…

By Lt Gen Syed Ata Hasnain (Retd)

Warmongering in Europe :  The NATO-Russia Standoff Over Ukraine

Just recently Russia tried a good but very old method of psychological warfare. It widely publicised how many quarts of human blood of different types was being sent to the…

By Lt Gen Syed Ata Hasnain (Retd)