• 26 June, 2024
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security

Russia Ukraine war

United States Outmanoeuvres Russia Once Again?

In a recent briefing, the US Director of National Intelligence (DNI), Avril Haines warned, “I would characterize it as the Russians aren’t winning, and the Ukrainians aren’t winning, and we’re…

By Cdr Sandeep Dhawan (Retd)

BRICS foreign ministers support talks between Russia & Ukraine

New Delhi, May 19 (PTI) The sharp increases in costs of energy, food and commodities due to the "knock-on" effects of the Ukraine conflict must be mitigated to help the…

Britain says Russia has lost a third of its forces in Ukraine

LONDON (Reuters) -Russia has probably lost around a third of the ground forces it deployed to Ukraine and its offensive in the Donbas region "has lost momentum and fallen significantly…

Relatives of fighters in Ukraine steel plant plead for help, Kyiv working on rescue

(Reuters) -Relatives and supporters of Ukrainian fighters in the Azovstal steel plant on Thursday called for fresh efforts to save them as Kyiv said new talks were underway with Moscow…

The Sinking of Moskva – Challenges for Large Surface Ships

The Russian warship cruiser Moskva, the flagship of Russia's Black Sea Fleet, sank on 14 April 2022 during the conflict in Ukraine. The ship was hit by two R-360 Neptune…

By Air Marshal Anil Chopra (Retd)

Russian attacks on rail system fail to paralyse ‘lifeline of Ukraine’

By Jonathan Landay FASTIV, Ukraine (Reuters) -A salvo of missiles brought the Kremlin’s war on Ukraine to Fastiv, a quiet town abounding with flowering cherry trees and set in sweeping…

Russia killed over 600 Ukrainian fighters in artillery strikes – defence ministry

(Reuters) - Russia said on Thursday that its artillery struck multiple Ukrainian positions and strongholds overnight, killing over 600 fighters. "The armed forces of the Russian Federation continue the special…

Bulgaria approves repairs to Ukrainian military equipment, not military aid

SOFIA (Reuters) - Bulgaria's parliament voted on Wednesday to allow repairs of Ukrainian heavy military equipment and seek ways to help Ukrainian exports of grains and electricity, sidestepping proposals to…

Ukraine: The March of Folly Continues

Let us start by briefly narrating one or two major developments since my last column “Ukraine: When Will the Madness End?” dated 3rd April 2022-https://chanakyaforum.com/ukraine-when-will-the-madness-end/ The War Crimes Charge Against…

By K P Fabian

Russia says it bombed U.S. and European weapons near Ukraine’s Odesa

(Reuters) -Russia has struck a military airfield near Ukraine's southwestern city of Odesa with missiles, destroying drones, missiles and ammunition supplied to Ukraine by the United States and its European…

Shelling in Russia’s Bryansk region hits parts of oil terminal – Russian news agencies

(Reuters) - Russian air defences prevented a Ukrainian aircraft from entering the Bryansk region on Saturday, Russian news outlets reported citing the region's governor, adding that as a result shelling…

Russia fires two missiles at Kyiv, at least 10 injured -Ukrainian officials

KYIV (Reuters) -Russia fired two missiles at the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, on Thursday evening and one of them struck the lower floors of a 25-storey residential building, injuring at least…