• 26 June, 2024
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security


Iran, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan sign gas swap deal

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan have signed a gas swap deal for up to 2 billion cubic metres (bcm) per year, Iranian state news agency IRNA reported on…

Lebanon’s Hezbollah warns Israel against drilling in disputed maritime border area

BEIRUT (Reuters) -The leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah on Friday warned Israel against drilling for oil and gas in the disputed maritime border area between the two countries until the issue…

Factbox-What is Lebanon’s Hezbollah?

(Reuters) - Hezbollah began importing Iranian fuel to Lebanon via Syria on Thursday, a move the Shi'ite Islamist group says aims to ease a crippling energy crisis but which its…

Oil-rich Sudan begins to sense exploitation meted out to them by Chinese

Khartoum [Sudan], August 10 (ANI): China has provided numerous interest-free loans and grants to the Sudanese government for diverse projects, but the country has now begun to sense the exploitation…

1 mln barrels of Guyanese Liza crude loaded for Indian Oil Corporation

New Delhi [India], July 5 (ANI): In a concrete step in India-Guyana economic relations, the first one million barrels of Guyanese Liza crude for Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL) has…

China challenges US position as the most important partner for Middle East countries

By John Solomou Nicosia [Cyprus], June 14 (ANI): Following the US policy shift to disengage from the Middle East region, which started under President Barack Obama and continued and accelerated…