• 27 July, 2024
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security


Water Conflict Between India and Pakistan

Recently, India announced the desire to modify the 62-year-old Indus Water Treaty (IWT) with Pakistan, citing what it called Pakistan's unwillingness to find a solution to disputes over the Kishenganga…

Pakistan Under Unending Strain : Part II

 ‘If  the economic situation does not lead to its collapse, its militant groups will ensure prevention of its survival’ Part I of this essay emphasized on getting the background right,…

By Lt Gen Syed Ata Hasnain (Retd)

Pakistan Under Unending Strain – Part 1

Pakistan has for long, been heading towards a situation where it could be perceived as a failed state, or at least a state under immense strain. Everything that goes into…

By Lt Gen Syed Ata Hasnain (Retd)

Search operation launched by police along border areas in Samba

Jammu, July 17 (PTI) Search operation was launched by police and security forces in border areas along Indo-Pak border after some light-emitting flying object was spotted along International Border (IB)…

Onus on Pakistan to create environment free of terror, hostility: India

New Delhi, Apr 7 (PTI) India on Thursday said it desires normal neighbourly relations with Pakistan while asserting that the onus is on Islamabad to create an environment free of…

India agrees to give more data on western river projects to Pakistan: Report

Islamabad, Mar 3 (PTI). India has agreed to provide additional data on several western hydropower projects to Pakistan during an annual meeting between the officials of the two countries held…