• 01 September, 2024
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security

forex reserve

Sri Lanka seeks USD 500-million loan from India for fuel purchases amid forex crisis

Colombo, May 24 (PTI) The Sri Lankan Cabinet has approved seeking a 500 million dollar loan from the Exim Bank of India for the purchase of petroleum products amid a…

Cash-strapped Pakistan gets USD 8 billion in financial support from Saudi Arabia

Islamabad, May 1 (PTI) Saudi Arabia has agreed to provide Pakistan with a "sizeable package" of around USD 8 billion to help the cash-starved country bolster dwindling forex reserves and…

Crisis-hit Sri Lanka announces debt default

Colombo, Apr 12 (PTI) Faced with critically low forex reserves, Sri Lanka on Tuesday announced that the crisis-stricken country will default on its external debt pending a bailout package from…