• 27 July, 2024
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security

Arms Export

Searching for Congruity: Indo-US Defence Cooperation

Let me start on a personal note. In 2008, I led a Brigade to participate in the US-India Yudh Abhyas exercise in Hawaii. In the first formal meeting with the…

By Maj Gen Neeraj Bali, SM (Retd)

Defence Attaches And Intelligence Agencies: Enabling Defence Exports

In a much-needed policy initiative, the Government of India decided to redeploy military attaches to countries where they can help increase domestic defence exports. This will reduce the number of…

By Pavithran Rajan

India-EU Consultations on Disarmament and Non-proliferation

The seventh round of India-EU consultations on disarmament and non-proliferation matters was held in a virtual format on 10 February 2022. The delegations were led by the Joint Secretary, Disarmament…