• 17 September, 2024
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security

India’s Responsibility Against the Rising Wolf Warrior

Mohit Joshi
Sun, 06 Feb 2022   |  Reading Time: 2 minutes

Amidst the rise of China as a super power it is still a big question that which country can counter China in terms of Economy, defence and many other such factors. The answer would probably be that no single country is in a stage of countering China but it can be achieved through cooperation of many countries and India will be the most important country as far as any global group is concerned because of its location.

China, with its debt trap policy is capturing a lot of strategically important locations and in this sequence it has recently got the only airport of Uganda. So it is important for many countries to do something regarding the new colonialism.

The question is that ‘What can be done?’. The answer will be to decrease the dependency on Chinese goods and focus on self reliance or Aatmanirbharta. There is a point that irrespective of the boycott of Chinese products, the trade between India and China is continuously increasing. It passes $128 billion last year in which India imported around $100 billion goods. This situation can only be tackled if we focus on self reliance.

China’s CPEC project is yet not giving any trade advantage because of the Protests going on for Gwadar port in Balochistan. That is why the trade through Straight of Malacca is still 80-85%. India has Andaman and Nicobar as a defender of that area and India with the help of QUAD countries can build infrastructure project in That area so as to keep an eye on activities of China. Countries should also support the Balochistan liberation in order to create chaos in Pakistan.

The focus of countries should be in developing it’s economy, infrastructure and many such aspects in order to be in a competition with China because China will go to any extent in order for its advantage.

China is doing what Britishers we doing earlier and their end will also come as the have more foes than allies.

India and other countries should do all the things which will ruin the image of China. From Tiananmen square to Tibet from Malacca straight to Gwadar and from COVID of Wuhan to debt trap policy.

Recently US under Joe Biden decided to stop importing goods(specially cotton) from Xinjiang province of China because of the continuous trouble to Uighur from Chinese side. This was a good step but it will be interesting to see till which extend US does this.

On more news of concern for China is the newly formed suicide unit of Taliban that has been deployed near Afghanistan- China border because since the take over by Taliban in Afghanistan, China has been trying to make its place in Afghanistan to get access to the resources and strategic locations of Afghanistan and suddenly this news came.

China is able to do create a fear among small countries because it has a large economy. It has surpassed United States in case of economy. So this should be taken into consideration in order to counter China because their economy and more precisely their secondary sector is their back bone and it should be broken.

These are some of the matters which depicts the reality of what China is doing. So India along with other countries should at least try to counter these kinds of narratives at the earliest possible so that China could not make any other country it’s vessel state.


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Kalidan Singh

Mar 09, 2022
The principal responsibility of Indians, in response to China, is: (a) find ways of eliminating corruption, and empowering government officials at all levels to openly engage in an extortion, exploitation, stealing, mafia rackets, and (b) forcing Indian manufacturers to now compete in open markets so they can either adapt, innovate, improvise, and produce quality goods, or get off the market. Fear of competing has filled Indian markets with overpriced and substandard product no one wants to, but is forced to buy. Fear of letting people live and breathe has led us to essentially wish for the government to make lives of other people miserable (even though it also makes us miserable). We cannot produce world class anything, not definitely not arms. If we want to compete with China, or anyone else, we might want to curb our hubris and work on improving the economic conditions of Indians. Our per capita GDP is less than that of Ghana; Ghana does not think of itself as an emerging power nor as a superpower in ways we do. Something we might want to think about as we temper the scope of our hubris.

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