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Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security

Indian industry, ‘Make in India’ turning out to be ray of hope for global growth: PM Modi

Sun, 22 May 2022   |  Reading Time: 2 minutes

New Delhi, May 22 (PTI) The Indian industry and the “Make in India” initiative are turning out to be a “ray of hope” for global growth, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Sunday and asserted that the country is preserving and promoting its antiquity, while also strengthening its innovation and modernity.

Modi made the remarks in his message on the 80th birthday celebrations of Sri Ganapaty Sachchidananda Swami via video-conferencing. Sachchidananda Swami founded the Avadhoota Datta Peetham, an international spiritual, cultural and social welfare organisation. In his remarks, Modi, in the context of the auspicious occasion falling during the period of “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav”, recalled the teaching of seers to stress on putting others before self.

“With the mantra of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas and Sabka Prayas’, the country is calling for collective pledges. Today, the country is preserving and promoting its antiquity and, at the same time, giving strength to its innovation and modernity,” the prime minister said. “Today, the identity of India is yoga as well as youth. Today, the world is looking at our startups as its future. Our industry and our Make in India are turning out to be a ray of hope for global growth,” he asserted, adding that people have to work towards achieving these resolutions.

Modi said he would like spiritual centres to be centres of inspiration in this direction as well. He greeted Sachchidananda Swamy and his followers on the occasion and noted the dedication of the “Hanumat Dwar” entrance arch by seers and the special guests. Quoting scriptures, Modi said the life of Sachchidananda Swamy is a living example of the fact that seers emerge for the welfare of humanity and their lives are intertwined with social progress and human welfare.

The prime minister expressed satisfaction that at the Avadhoota Datta Peetham, modernity is also nurtured along with spirituality. He cited the grand Hanuman temple in Mysuru with 3D mapping, a light-and-sound show and a bird park with a modern management. Modi noted that apart from being a great centre for the study of the Vedas, the Avadhoota Datta Peetham is undertaking impactful innovation in using music for health purposes.

“This use of science for nature, this amalgamation of technology with spirituality is the soul of a dynamic India. I am happy that with the efforts of seers like Swamiji, today the youngsters of the country are getting acquainted with the strength of their traditions and taking them forward,” he said.

Noting its work in the preservation of nature and the service of birds, the prime minister urged the Avadhoota Datta Peetham to work for water and river conservation as well. Lauding the organisation’s contribution in the Swachh Bharat Mission, he also asked for its contribution in the campaign for 75 “Amrit Sarovar” in every district.

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Kalidan Singh

May 22, 2022
Interesting that the entire Gandhi dynasty ensured nothing could be made in India, and that which was made faced such a high demand that there was no such thing as quality. People waited for years to buy a substandard, outdated vehicle, phone . . other. Clothes shrank, dyes leaked. TVs did not work on day one. Every low level bureaucrat could stop any economic activity unless he was paid. This largely continues; even if it has lessened a bit. People may wait less, but the quality of Indian-made products is still wholly substandard. No one - given a choice - would buy an Indian manufactured product (although many claim they will). There is no TATA vehicle sold at competitive price anywhere outside India. Mahindra competes only in low cost segments. I am glad to see the make-in-India initiative. Now, can my factory in Chennai ship product to New Delhi without having to stop and pay bribes? Can I tell the excise person, and every other government thug who shows up at my factory, to take a hike because I am not paying him? Can I still get the documents I need from the government I need to conduct business, or a loan from a bank, without paying huge bribes? Can I even get a private firm's purchase department pay me in time without bribe, can I even get a private insurance company to write me a check for a genuine accident for which I am insured? The answer is still no. The answer is still, 'it is better than before.' It is better than before, but so what? Why isn't it fixed. If a cop can stop me for any reason, at any place, at any time, and the only way for me to continue on my way even when I have all the papers and documents - fast - means I have to pay him, then what on earth are you making in India? It is the economy, not a slogan. Since I was a child over 50 years ago, I have heard the refrain: 'all good things will happen and we are the best.' 50 years on, little has happened as compared to the rest of the world (see the long list of countries in total debris in 1945 and advanced today). About the only thing we make in India is the population.

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