• 26 June, 2024
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security


East Turkistan Government in Exile urgently calls on US Senate to pass Uyghur Policy Act without delay

Washington [US], May 27 (ANI): The East Turkistan Government in Exile (ETGE) urgently called on the US Senate to pass the Uyghur Policy Act without delay to establish a Special…

Pakistan affirms support for ‘One China’ policy amidst Taiwan issue

Islamabad [Pakistan], May 26 (ANI): In a recent post on social media Shehbaz Sharif, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, reiterated Islamabad's unwavering support for China's stance on Taiwan. He reaffirmed…

Zelenskyy urges world leaders to join Global Peace Summit amid war with Russia

Kyiv [Ukraine], May 26 (ANI): Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Sunday urged the global leaders to participate in the Global Peace Summit, which begins on June 15, stressing that Russia…

Germany: Free Balochistan Movement raises alarm on Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal

Dortmund [Germany], May 26 (ANI): The Free Balochistan Movement (Germany chapter) staged a demonstration in Dortmund, Germany, on May 25, aiming to draw attention to the consequences of Pakistan's nuclear…

Army Chief gets one-month extension, successor to be appointed by new government

New Delhi [India], May 26 (ANI): In a move that has taken forces by surprise, the Government on Sunday, approved a one-month service extension to Indian Army chief Gen Manoj…

Pakistan: Mob assaults Christian man, torches house over ‘blasphemy’ in Sargodha

Sargodha [Pakistan], May 25 (ANI): An angry mob assaulted a Christian person, vandalized his house, and torched properties alleging an incident of 'blasphemy' in Sargodha city in Pakistan on Saturday,…

Pakistan approves compensation for Chinese workers killed in Bisham suicide attack

Islamabad [Pakistan], May 25 (ANI): Pakistan's Federal Cabinet approved a package for families of Chinese nationals who died in a suicide attack at the Dasu dam project, ARY News reported…

Army Chief General Manoj Pande visits Bombay Engineers Group and Centre in Pune, interacts with troops

Pune (Maharashtra) [India], May 25 (ANI): The Chief of Army Staff, General Manoj Pande visited the Bombay Engineer Group and Centre, Khadki in Pune on Saturday. During his visit, General…

Quad remains crucial despite emergence of ‘Squad’: Foreign affairs expert

Sydney [Australia], May 25 (ANI): Following the successful inaugural US-Japan-Philippines trilateral summit and joint maritime patrols in the South China Sea in April this year, a new multilateral group, the…

Army Chief General Manoj Pande visits training establishments in Pune

Pune (Maharashtra) [India], May 25 (ANI): General Manoj Pande, Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) on Saturday visited Pune marking a significant engagement with multiple esteemed institutions. General Pande, who…

China exporting censorship, surveillance to Southeast Asian nations through ‘Digital Silk Road’: Report

Beijing [China], May 24 (ANI): China, which claims to assist Southeast Asian countries in modernising their digital landscapes through investments in infrastructure as part of its 'Digital Silk Road', rights…

US calls for troops deployment in Haiti after three missionaries killed in gang violence

Port-au-Prince [Haiti], May 25 (ANI): The Biden administration has called for rapid deployment of a Kenyan-led security force to Haiti following the killing of three missionaries working with a US…