• 26 June, 2024
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security

Another Afghan provincial capital falls to Taliban

Sun, 08 Aug 2021   |  Reading Time: < 1 minute

Kabul [Afghanistan], August 8 (ANI): The Taliban have captured Takhar province’s capital Taluqan city on Sunday amid US troops’ withdrawal from Afghanistan.

“Key areas in Takhar province’s capital Taluqan city, including the central roundabout, fell to the Taliban today, sources said,” Tolo News tweeted. This comes after the terror group captured the police headquarters, the governor’s compound and the prison in the Afghan provincial capital Kunduz.

Earlier, the Taliban took control over Jawzjan province’s capital Sheberghan and Nimroz province’s capital Zaranj. The terror group’s aggressive offensive has killed many government forces and innocent civilians. Multiple reports have claimed that the group has been looting innocent civilians after capturing multiple areas.

The Taliban’s recent skirmish became aggressive soon after the US troops started leaving war-torn Afghanistan in large numbers under the new peace deal signed between Washington and the insurgent group in February last year. As the Taliban intensified attacks, Afghanistan started urging global organisations and to address the deteriorating situation in the country.

On Saturday evening, the US B-52 bombers targeted a Taliban gathering in Afghanistan’s Shebergan city. The terror group suffered heavy casualties during the US Air Forces strike. (ANI)

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Aug 09, 2021
Taliban Slowly inching towards India

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