• 18 October, 2024
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security


Ambassador Deepak Vohra Sun, 14 Jul 2024   |  Reading Time: 4 minutes

To cut a long Tory short, UK is in Labour!

Why has this happened? Is the Conservative Party over? The ousted British Prime Minister took the nation by surprise in May 2024 when he called a snap election. Why, when he had until December 2024? Did the defeated Conservative Party misread the signals from the people, or was it busy with its internal dynamics? Are the Anglo Saxons ready for a coloured leader, even as loyal as Shri Rishi Sunak? Had Shri Sunak forgotten the “anyone but Sunak” campaign of the maverick Boris? As a political term, Tory was an insult (derived from the Middle Irish word tóraidhe, meaning “outlaw”, “robber”) that entered English politics during the late 17th century.

Following years of mollycoddling Muslim immigrants who have become a solid vote bank for whichever political party promises to Islamise England, (as in Canada and other countries), the ousted Conservative Party was unable to limit the record number of asylum seekers (especially Muslims) from crossing the English Channel that separates England from France. Seeing the national angst, Sunak made last ditch efforts to expel illegals, including a highly controversial plan to send some asylum seekers to Rwanda. The new Government has abandoned it. As one frustrated Brit commented on social media: these people (Muslims) don’t want to conform to British society, they want British society to conform to them. The establishment needs to wake up. We need to wake up.

Another posted: I don’t understand why people would run away from a country and then try change their new place like the hell hole they escaped from. Sharia courts have already been established in England. The British had created a separate Islamic State by dividing India, today the danger of its own division looms large. The Tories treated the people that voted them into power with complete and utter contempt, in fact they treated the whole of the UK with complete and utter contempt. Sunak’s gaffes caught up with him. Even when he was contesting to lead the Conservative Party, his profile took a hit from Partygate (celebrating with his boss in the Prime Minister’s official residence while the country endured a virus-induced lockdown) Even more damaging controversy was the controversy over his family’s financial affairs even as he flaunted expensive personal items and built a swimming pool at his Yorkshire mansion.

What were the main issues facing voters?

Inflation is destroying household budgets, unbridled immigration (especially Islamic) is killing what is grandly called the “British way of life”, the once much-vaunted education system is breaking down, the public health service has collapsed, affordable housing is non-existent, youth unemployment is burgeoning. Instead of dealing with these issues that decide elections, the outgoing Prime Minister jumped on to the American bandwagon to clobber Russia in Ukraine. Taxpayers’ money is being squandered in a useless endeavour, even as Ukraine is obliterated. Britain, reeling under its self-goal of quitting the European Union (that severely damaged the country’s economy), is desperately seeking an enhanced international profile, and has still not accepted its dramatically reduced role in global affairs. So, in the recent parliamentary elections, the Labour Party led by Sir Keir Starmer destroyed Sunak’s Conservatives. According to reports, Starmer, a Europeanist, has a close connection with the Muslim Brotherhood, via Barack Hussein Obama. Starmer lacks the charisma and strength of leadership of the disgraced Tony Blair, but to some extent he re-positioned Labour, after the party led by his predecessor had lurched to the far left.

The vagaries of the first past the post system have been clearly brought out in these elections. The not-so-dark horse, Reform UK, led by the populist Nigel Farage, that in the 2019 general elections failed to win any seats. Farage’s firebrand campaign, which saw a wave of jingoistic rhetoric focused on immigration, has greatly contributed to his rise. With just 4 seats but with more than 14% of the votes, Reform UK consigned the Tories to their worst ever drubbing, while Labour with just 2% votes more than in 2017 won a super majority.

A record number of Indian-origin MPs have been elected to the House of Commons, though a few of them have taken positions that are not necessarily to our likings. Palestine was an issue in the elections, but the last time I checked Palestine was a foreign land several thousand kilometres away.

There is practically no difference in policies of the outgoing and new Prime Ministers with one major difference: the Treasury has no money and even the scaled back Labour Party manifesto promises may not be easily kept for the short time of the present honeymoon before the Party’s internal fissures start coming to surface. Labour’s rise can be attributed more to a “Conservative implosion” than any popular policy. Not so Great Britian barely survived the Scottish Independence Referendum a decade ago, after several earlier attempts. It will happen again, as the economy continues to crater.

The Scots want to rejoin the European Union. Globally, the UK’s reputation is at rock bottom. UK foreign policy usually trails domestic concerns. If the country slips further into economic deceleration, social contradictions, infrastructural deficiencies and intellectual disillusionment, domestic revival on all fronts will be Starmer’s priority.

The UK’s foreign policy pillars – the trans-Atlantic partnership; Europe and NATO; the Ukraine war; the rise of China – will require new ideas and concepts. In all, probably, he will, like many of his predecessors, muddle through with a combination of diplomatic chicanery, British ability to lie with a straight face, and unrepentant British cunning. As the French satirist Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr wrote in the January 1849 issue of his journal Les Guêpes (“The Wasps”): plus, ça change, plus c’est la même chose (the more things change, the more they stay the same)

The Tories have been badly stung. No Band-Aids will work. Reality stares them in the face – Britian is increasingly irrelevant to the global community and is fast losing respect as it continues to ignore the concerns of its former colonies. London is dirty.

In May 2024, a senior British official acknowledged that 40% of the world’s illicit money flows end up in London. England is the world’s largest washing machine for tainted money, generated by corrupt politicians, bureaucrats, businessmen, warlords etc. Several proclaimed economic gangsters from Bharat are hiding in London, with some preferring to be in a British jail (subjected to daily taunts and insults) than return to Bharat to stand trial for cheating Bharatiya banks.

England’s disease is atavism, living with memories of a once great past. It causes much merriment. In January 2020, the UK announced a fast-track visa to attract the world’s leading scientists, without any cap on the numbers of suitably qualified people able to come to the UK. The announcement followed a pledge the previous year by the Lunatic of London, BoJo to turn the UK into a “supercharged magnet to attract scientists like iron filings,” The magnet turned out to be busted.




An Indian Diplomat who served as Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs. He was the Ambassador of India to Armenia, Georgia, Sudan, South Sudan, Poland and Lithuania, and is currently Special Adviser to the Prime Minister in Lesotho, South Sudan and Guinea-Bissau and to the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Councils of Kargil and Leh.
He writes regularly for The Sunday Guardian and appears on TV channels as an expert foreign affairs analyst.


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