• 27 July, 2024
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security


The PLA Soldier: The Man Behind The Machine

When the South China Morning Post wrote a rather surprising piece on the new selection criteria for PLA recruits, one particular condition – “Any applicant – even for non-combat positions…

By Maj Gen Mandip Singh (Retd)

Emerging Bhutanese Intransigence

The recent statements of Bhutanese Foreign Minister Tandi Dorji indicating substantial progress in their boundary talks with China is a serious cause of concern for India. The minister indicated the…

By Maj Gen Ashok Kumar (Retd)

The Chinese Intransience During Foreign Ministers’ Meet At Goa SCO Summit

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in September 2022 at Samarkand, Uzbekistan resulted in China accepting withdrawal from Gorga-Hot Spring Area (PP-15) on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the…

By Maj Gen Ashok Kumar (Retd)

‘Eroding Basis Of Bilateral Relations’ – Chinese Policy Is Institutional!

On 27 April 2023, on the sidelines of the SCO Defence Ministers Meeting, the Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh in as clear and candid manner as can be told the…

By Lt Gen (Dr) Rakesh Sharma

China’s Real Interest in the Mountains is not Land, It’s Water

China’s real interest in the mountains is not LAND, it is the WATER.  China-India tensions in the Himalayas is shifting from confrontation and sabre-rattling over contested border territory to a…

No Room for Error—Wargaming to Thwart China’s Aggression

"To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace"                              …

By Levina

‘Threat in Being’ at LAC- Are India-China Macro Bilateral Ties on Track?

Zha Liyou, China's Consul-General at Kolkata recently stated that "macro bilateral ties" with India are coming back on track. Another senior Chinese diplomat in India has called the border situation…

By Lt Gen (Dr) Rakesh Sharma

A Line Divided: The Frayed Edges Will Remain

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) released its Annual Report 2021-22 on March 13. The report notes: "Since April-May 2020, the Chinese side undertook several attempts to unilaterally alter the…

By Lt Gen D S Hooda (Retd)

‘Armed Co-Existence’ Redux: Analysing The Cost For China

When the Chinese decided to plan a ‘counterattack’ against India in 1962, the biggest hurdle faced by the PLA was the problem of mobilisation for a “People’s war”. Accustomed to…

By Maj Gen Mandip Singh (Retd)

Aksai Chin: Is History Repeating Itself?

On February 10, China Daily Global announced Tibet’s plan “to upgrade the regional rail network”. The Development and Reform Commission of the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) released a three-phase development…

By Claude Arpi

India’s Three Wars

On January 18, 2023, Chinese President Xi Jinping held a video conversation with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) troops. He inspected the combat readiness of the troops stationed at Kunjirap…

By Cdr Sandeep Dhawan (Retd)

Coronation Of Emperor Xi and The World Thereafter

A few days ago, news about Chinese President Xi Jinping's arrest took social media by storm. The rumour was that Xi, who is the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and…

By Cdr Sandeep Dhawan (Retd)