• 18 October, 2024
Foreign Affairs, Geopolitics & National Security
Rear Admiral K Raja Menon (Retd)
Rear Admiral K Raja Menon (Retd)

Rear Admiral K Raja Menon was the Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Operations). Published work include, ‘Maritime Strategy and Continental Wars’, a standard text for the Staff College. His second book  ‘A Nuclear Strategy for India’  is recommended reading for the Indian Strategic Force. His book ‘The Indian Navy: A Photo Essay’ is the official gift of the Navy. Edited books include ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction: Options for India’.  Rear Admiral Menon was a member of the Arun Singh Committee and  the National Defence University Committee.  He headed the group that wrote the Indian Navy’s New Maritime Strategy. He was the Chairman of the Task Force on Net Assessment and Simulation in the National Security Council, and is a distinguished fellow in the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies and the National Maritime Foundation.

Articles Lists

India Needs Large Aircraft Carriers

The recent public statement by the serving Naval chief that the navy hopes to place a repeat order on Cochin Shipyard for another Vikrant class is only partly encouraging. Partly because India needs another carrier; disappointing because it will be only of 40000 tons. A 40000 tons carrier will embar

It’s Not the Job of the Quad, Keeping Chinese Tankers Safe !

In mature democracies, the relationship between the foreign service and the Navy is symbiotic, with each service wishing the best of health to the other. In India, the relationship started off on a bad footing, with the then Indian political thinkers having unpleasant memories of being colonized by