‘What I Fear Is Not the Enemy’s Strategy but Our Own Mistakes’
– Pericles, The Mayor of Athens
The Argument
Re-establishing Deterrence
Such enhancements in allocations for defence must be accompanied by concurrent acceleration of pan MoD optimisation measures. The IFA structure for example, needs a structural and cultural metamorphosis, to say the least: the processes and procedures were designed for a monopsony market (one buyer, monopoly sellers, no competition, limited choices); they need to be unwritten and re-framed for a technology/innovation driven market. A suitable incentivisation structure must also be created – the more a Service/Entity optimises, galvanises change, the greater its entitlement for additional allocations. Hypothetically, if the Army shuts down $2billion worth of bad, sunset assets, it should be funded to the extent of $6billion worth of sunrise assets.
A Wider Defence Makeover
In recent times geopolitics has swivelled majorly towards national security, making it virtually synonymous with economic prosperity. The arc of conflict seems to be bending steadily from Europe to West Asia and onwards to the Western Pacific. We in India are enjoying a lucky peace dividend, albeit one which may not be interminable. We must make the most of our good fortune to beef up our strategic-military posture and strengthen our defence preparedness by an order of magnitude. The economic pie must be sliced to meet the needs of national security; the latter cannot be an after-thought. The annual economic survey must acquire a national security tenor, with the needs of national security being woven pro-actively into our economic outlook. We in India are lucky to be blessed with some of the best economic minds – they can surely find the allocations we sorely need, to secure India’s rise.
I rest my case, for minds wiser than me, to consider and act upon.
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